Thursday, August 10, 2006


Mushafau Ade Kukoyi
ENGL 2030
Responsible Propaganda Project
Andrea Modica
23 June 2005


The events of September 11 2002, have proven that terrorists can attack us, but they can’t take away what makes us Americans; our freedom, our liberty and our civil rights.
This simple believe unveil the basis on which America’s ideology is built upon which also include the following:
• Responsible Leadership
• Political and Economic Might
• Equality, Freedom and Justice

In the first instance, it is almost impossible to find the right words that adequately express the horror, the shock and the revulsion we all felt over what took place during September 11. As a nation, we must act conscientiously in order to ensuring that we set a lasting precedence for future generation. According to the British prime minister, Tony Blair, “Understand the causes of terror? Yes, we should try, but let there be no moral ambiguity about this: nothing could ever justify the events of September 11 and it is to turn justice on its head to pretend it could”

The pictures in figure 1 bellow were images of September 11terrorist attack on the United State of America

Figure 1: September 9/11 attack on the trade center and a devastated fire fighter

Secondly, acting responsibly does not necessarily imply that we go to war at every instinct of provocation, but simply meaning that we have to tamper justice with mercy. We must come to terms that peace cannot be kept by force, but can only be achieved by understanding. According to Albert Einstein, “I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for peace. Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war”- (Albert Einstein Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921)

Obviously, America is noted for its greatness, richly blessed with abundant human and material resources. We have the right and capability to protect the sovereignty of our people, but in doing so we must be cautious not to set wrong precedence for other nations. Ensuring that we do not inflict undue harm and injustice to innocent people that resides in a nation that has no record of violence against our country, America. According to John Emerich Edward Dalberg “History must be our deliverer not only from the undue influence of other times, but from the undue influence of our own, from the tyranny of environment and the pressures of the air we breathe”-(John Emerich Edward Dalberg English Historian, 1834-1902).

Furthermore, by attacking Iraq, we are equally justifying the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, which was widely condemned by the entire world. We must comply with regulated rules as stipulated in the United Nation constitution, which we are signatory to. On the other hand, acting unilaterally was a bad precedence for bully nations to emulate and attack weaker countries.
The pictures in figure 2 bellow were images of Iraqi children and the United State Coalition force

Figure 2: Iraqi Children and the United State Army attack on Baghdad

Moreover, when human generations live on for decades without being shaken and stirred up by the powerful flood of events in history, then their customs and traditions can become too cozy and too comfortable. In the end these very human constructions take the place of God. According to Mahatma Gandhi “The true democrat is he who with purely nonviolent means defends his liberty and therefore, his country’s and ultimately that of the world of mankind”(Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Philosopher. 1869-1948)

Without any doubt, war on terror is the greatest challenge of the twenty first century. It is a war that every country needs to fight, not only for the sake of America but for the peace of the world at large.

In conclusion, the event of September 11, 2002 will forever be in the history of our great country. Let us as a nation help to rewrite history, not by inventing war but through dialogue and understanding, living at peace with one another and the world at large. As the saying goes, “Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm”.

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